
We deliver astonishing awareness to your brand

We can proudly tell you that we provide the most reliable consulting services for your potential ethnic market. With over 20 years of experience in the ethnic market, we have earned the know-how which is the most unique and cost effective. Acrossland specializes in ethnic community marketing and opening the gateway of different communities. Advertising and marketing campaigns catered to a specific ethnic community while utilizing the resource of networks will enable client’s business to penetrate into its market and establish presence to its mainstream audiences. From targeting to delivery of communication, you can rely on our familiarity of unfamiliar grounds.

Marketing Strategy

Acrossland has been providing clients from virtually every industry with outstanding communications products, Acrossland conceives the strongest possible integrated marketing communications program for each client. This assures each client the development and actualization of highly intelligent, effective strategies. Additionally, the finest in human resources offer distinguished services along with powerful solutions to guarantee models of success and client satisfaction across the board for all needs.

Acrossland Team Structure

Dedicated team of experts boasting years of experience within this industry are able to identify critical ideas that will transform your business to meet the demands of the new era.

  • Understanding client’s needs and budget.
  • Identifies client’s goals and opportunities to deliver the most optimal strategic plans and solutions.
  • Maintains intimate relationship with creative and technical group in order to fully capitalize on the advantages of the available technology and medium.
  • Creates the most optimal design, look & feel, identity based on extensive research, and intelligent creative strategy.
  • Works closely with the technical group. Understands the limitations and advantages of the given technology and medium.
  • Focuses on Funtionlity and technical integrity.
  • Works Closely with the creatives in order to maintain the intended visual aesthetics.
  • Maintains constant contact with the client support and offers quality assuarance, traing, and technical support.
  • Provides continuous client support and maintains long term partnerships and interest in the success of our client.
  • Provides cost-effective maintenance and support plans for client to maintain, administer, modify, or expand their solutions.

Marketing services we provide


Creating a plan that encompasses long-term goals to be achieved.

Digital Product Strategy

Comprehensive digital brand strategy that successfully reaches your target audience.

Market Analysis

Our team of professionals will ensure your brand to hold in a position via target market surveys and data analysis.

LEAD Generation

Our team of professionals develop and integrate appropriate lead generation tool on/off line of your choice.


Enrich lead quality with Newsletter blasts via variable data management.

Social Media Marketing

Maximize brand awareness by integrating an eye catching social media page to your business.

A/B Split
Ad testing

Run split testing to ensure which strategies produce the best result for your investment.

Media service

Offers most ideal media solutions by developing media planning programs that maximize marketing and sales results.


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